Tanah Papua hampir ditelang,
oleh NKRI
The land of Papua is almost swallowed up,
by the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
Falerio, 2021
West Papua, Asia Pacific
Papua Barat, Asia Pasifik
Description / Keterangan
Most of the cases of violation of Human Rights in Papua have never been completely resolved. Even in the Attorney General's Office, they were left on the grounds of strong field evidence. Even though many witnesses still remember the incident very well and sometimes the voice of the victim is not heard. Therefore, I now explain through painting/sketching what is happening in West Papua, and what is being experienced by the people of West Papua, from 1961 to the present, 2021.
Hampir sebagian besar kasus-kasus pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) di Papua tak pernah tuntas diselesaikan. Bahkan di Kejaksaan Agung dibiarkan dengan alasan bukti lapangan yang kuat. Padahal banyak saksi yang masih ingat betul peristiwa itu dan terkadang suara korban tak didengar. Maka dari itu kini saya menjelaskan melalui seni lukis/sketsa apa yang terjadi di west Papua, dan yang di alami oleh masyarakat Papua barat, dari Tahun 61 hingga saat ini 2021.