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  • Writer's pictureMerdeka Secretariat

[Political Prisoner] Free Philipus Robaha!

JAYAPURA - Deputy Chairperson of National Solidarity of Students and Youth in West Papua (SONAMAPPA), Pilipus Robaha, was arrested this morning (11/26/2019) by police from the North Jayapura Police Station at 08:00 WP. The arrest took place in Koya Barat at his father-in-law's house.

As of writing (11/26/2019) it remains unknown where Pilipus is being held.

Brief Chronology:

Around 08.00 A.M. WP time,

4 individuals in plainclothes went to the house of Pilipus' in-laws in West Koya and said that they wanted to search his in-laws' house.

Pilipus' wife said that there was no arrest warrant and questioned why he had to go straight to a house like this. The plainclothes officers followed Pilipus' wife into the house.

An intelligence officer from Jayapura Utara introduced himself as Pilipus' friend.

When Ipu (Pilipus' nickname) was about to get out of the bathroom, the intelligence officer from the North Jayapura Police told him to come along.

Pilipus got dressed then the police officers took him.

North Jayapura police officers did not say where they were going to take him.

The officers arrested him in connection with the summons that they had brought to his house yesterday (11/27/2019) which he did not heed.


JAYAPURA- Wakil Ketua umum Solidaritas Nasional Mahasiswa dan Pemuda Papua Barat (SONAMAPPA), Pilipus Robaha, pagi ini (26/11/2019) telah di tangkap oleh kepolisian dari Polsek Jayapura Utara jam 08.00 WP. Penangkapan terjadi di Koya Barat (Rumah Mertuanya).

Hingga skrng belum tahu dia (Pilipus Robaha), di bawah dan tahan dimana ?

Kronologis Singkat:

Pagi sekitar jam 08.00 WP,

4 orang berpakaian preman langsung menuju ke rumah mertuanya Pilipus di Koya Barat dan mengatakan bahwa mereka ingin menggeledah rumah mertuanya.

Isteri Pilipus mengatakan bahwa tidak ada surat penangkapan kenapa harus langsung ke rumah seperti ini. Kemudian aparat berpakaian preman tersebut mengikuti isteri Pilipus hingga ke dalam rumah.

Seorang Intel Polsek Jayapura Utara, mengatakan tidak apa di dan Pilipus adalah teman.

Ketika Ipu sapaan akrabnya hendak keluar dari kamar mandi, aparat intel Polsek Jayapura Utara mengatakan kepadanya, ayo ikut sudah.

Pilipus masih bertelanjang dada dan setelah itu ia menggunakan baju dan mereka membawanya.

Aparat intelkam Polsek Jayapura Utara tidak mengatakan akan membawanya kemana.

Aparat Intelkam Polsek Jayapura Utara menangkapnya terkait surat pemanggilan yang kemarin mereka antar ke rumahnya tetapi ia tidak mengindahkan itu.


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