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  • Writer's pictureMerdeka Secretariat

[Political Prisoner] Edo Eman Dogopia

Updated: Aug 24, 2019

Political prisoner Edo Eman Dogopia has been seriously ill for 4 days.

"At the beginning of the arrest on December 31, 2018 at the office of the KNPB-PRD Secretariat office, I was beaten by a member. And chest pains began to emerge while in the Indonesian colonial police 32nd police station Timika," Eman stated.

Eman's was very weak, and the high heat added to his suffering. He was not taken to the hospital to get treatment, but Eman was presented during the trial process yesterday, April 2 while still sick.

When the witness session was over, Eman was escorted to the RSUD at 5:30 to undergo an examination.

The results of rongsen and Stomach examination, chest X-ray, showed that Eman had suffered an infected wound in his lungs. "The doctor (RSUD) asked for further examination to suck up the fluid found in my body but the prosecutor asked to give Agar time. coordinated with the head of the prosecutor's office and we will bring him back but until now no illness has been brought to surgery."

And today according to Eman's statement, he has coughed up blood five times in one day.

As of writing, the 32 Timika police station is still being sent to the RSUD for further examination of the Doctor's Referral.

Please advocate and monitor all parties.

Reference: KNPB


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