NO. A.VIII / 171 / PP OPM-R.1 / DKR-OPM-TPN PB / XI / 2019
Thank you very much MC…
Morning everyone.
First of All, we give thanks to God, Lord on high, protector and companion of the people of West Papua in our national liberation struggle.
We acknowledge Hon. Powes Parkop, Governor NCD.
We Acknowledge Hon. Gary Juffa, Governor of Oro Province
We Acknowledge Opposition or Representative
Distinguishes ambassadors and diplomats, Religious Leader and Journalists in Port Moresby.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
We are here as a leader of West Papuan nation, we are here as a leader of the peak body of the national liberation movement.
Today we are representing voice and tears of the more than 350 tribes and its people, voice and tears of entire Melanesian people in pacific region.
We acknowledge traditional landowner, “Motu koitabu Tribeyou providing us your land and spirit to stand up for my freedom struggle here waa waa waa... In the name of our one ancestor, from this second world biggest island on the earth, my statement now are watching by entire world.
Despite politically our one land has divided by two part but we always believe that is only one island, one soil, one Papuan and one culture from Sorong to Samarai. Therefore, today we able to deliver our message freely and safely.
Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of Melanesian West Papuan Lets allow me to address my speech.
Political Statement on the 54 years of the Modern War between West Papua (West Papua National Liberation Army) and Indonesia (TNI and POLRI).
World as it is not conformity with humanity and justice. Hence, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 assisted many former colonial countries became independent state nation. This resolution which also led to the creation of the embryo of the State of West Papua, while still under Dutch colonial rule through the New Guinea Council on 1 December 1961, and the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of West Papua on 1 July 1971. In 1965, The Free Papua Movement (OPM-FPM) formed in Manokwari as the political organization and the West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB) as the military wing of the Papuan Nation's struggle, is the embodiment and the implementation of the battle to maintain the values of truth and justice and to uphold human rights according to rules that apply universally under the umbrella of the United Nations.
On behalf of the OPM-TPNPB Leadership, We strongly demands that those countries that carried out political conspiracies and prevented the People of West Papua from fulfilling its rightful destiny (America, the Netherlands, Indonesia and the United Nations) be held politically and legally responsible according to international procedures, as they played the main role in the process of the unilateral New York Agreement of 15 August 1962 which gave birth to the undemocratic 1969 Act of no-choice which did not uphold the humanitarian values to respect the rights of the Papuan people in a fair, honest and dignified manner.
In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of 1 July 1971, and the resolutions voted at the end of the Special Session held at OPM TPNPB Victoria Headquarters on 12 February 2017, when the forces committed themselves by stating that "WAR IS the SOLUTION". We acknowledge and provide an official support with the declaration of war made by the TPNPB National Operations Commander, Lekagak Telenggen on 27 January 2018.
No matter how long it takes and no matter the means used, the OPM, along with its military wing the TPNPB, will not tolerate the presence of Indonesia on Papuan soil as this presence is illegal. Therefore, the OPM- TPNPB will continue to resist and fight until the Indonesian colonial power recognizes the independence of the Papuan nation pursuant to the Proclamation of 1 July 1971, which is valid de facto and de jure on the land of the Bird of Paradise.
The OPM along with its military wing strongly urge the colonial Indonesia security forces (TNI/POLRI) to respect and obey the international laws of war, and to respect the war zones determined by TPNPB, i.e., that the Nduga region, Puncak Papua, Puncak Jaya and Lani Jaya are war zones, but that Kwiyawage is a place where members of civil society can take refuge.
As the situation is becoming more desperate by the day for the people of West Papua, the OPM makes an urgent appeal to the United Nations Secretary-General to consider the following proposed items that would ensure that relevant UN bodies act upon the unfolding crisis in Ndugama Nggetelema (also known as the “Nduga Regency”, by the colonial administration).
a. To use the good offices of the United Nations Secretary-General in order to bring the crisis which has been unfolding on the Papuan ancestral lands of Ndugama Nggetelema since December 2018, to the attention of United Nations organs as a situation where atrocity crimes are ongoing and more crimes are likely to occur, and to call on inter-governmental bodies of the United Nations, and more specifically the Security Council, to act upon the crisis.
b. To call on the United Nations Human Rights Council and other relevant Human Rights mechanisms to put pressure on the Indonesian Government and its security forces to respect the basic rights of West Papuans.
The OPM-FPM along with its military wing the TPNPB would like to seek a lasting peaceful solution in accordance to United Nations Charter, “pacific settlement of disputes” through third party mediated negotiation. The OPM-TPNPB Leadership would like to release a mandate for Task Force Team for Negotiation. Today, we, the leadership of the OPM TPNPB appoint:
Akouboo Amatus Douw (Coordinator)
Sebby Sambom (.............)
Anonymous (OPM TPNPB)
Anonymous (KNPB Representative)
Anonymous (AMP or Student Representative)
Anonymous (TAPOL/NAPOL Representative)
Anonymous (Women Representative)
Anonymous (Papua Customary Council Representative)
Anonymous (Other newly born political organisation)
This concludes the statement on the political position issued officially by the Free Papua Movement (OPM-FPM) and the West Papua National Liberation Army (OPM TPNPB) at Victoria Headquarters. All relevant and competent parties are strongly urged to take consideration of its content and to take action accordingly with a sense of urgency.
Issued by OPM TPNPB Headquarters Victoria from the Prai-Rumkorem building on 31 January 2019.
Man In Charge
General Chairman
N.B.P. : A-10503